> This Innovative Tiny Home Take Sustainable Design to the Next Level
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This Innovative Tiny Home Take Sustainable Design to the Next Level

admin www.chinaheya.com 2018-03-25 10:06:14
One of the reasons the tiny home movement has taken off is that is ecologically conscientious. Yes, tiny homes are beautiful and fun and creative, but they also reduce our footprints on the environment.
One of main focuses with this tiny home was to be as environmentally-friendly as possible.This home are not only 40% faster to build, but have a 35% smaller carbon footprint and a 20% lower cost over traditional homes. Additionally, the process of construction produces no waste.
Above you see the pitcture. It is quite spacious, with a sleek, modern design. The porch wraps around the side of the home to provide extra space.
Backing up from the door, here is a broader perspective on the kitchen. There is a lot of natural light and plenty of room to enjoy a meal.
Here you can see the bedroom. Notice the slanted ceiling. This creates an illusion that the room is significantly larger than it actually is. There is a surprising amount of wall space.
Here is a look at the bathroom.
At nighttime, the home seems to glow thanks to the open design and the big windows.
This tiny home truly is a beautiful, smart, inspirational design. Be sure to visit the link below to take a closer look at all the houses of Heya. http://www.prefabhousesupplier.com/products.html