> Prefab Green Home in Malaysia Built Around Mango Trees
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Prefab Green Home in Malaysia Built Around Mango Trees

admin http://www.chinaheya.com 2017-10-16 11:58:36

Welcome to a modern home that seems to embed the spirit of summer. This House was designed by studio Twenty-Nine Design and is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Lush vegetation is present all around and according to the architects, this was one of the main objectives when developing the residence:  “Our aim was to avoid cutting a single tree on site.  As such, the house notches its way around the existing greenery, especially the two majestic 50 year old mango trees along the side boundary. The ground floor of the house is all glass, and can be opened up to the tropical elements. The 1st floor bedrooms are shielded from the sun with timber screens as well as the tree foliage all around.  The massing of the house has been carved out all around with courtyards that bring in light, air, and green, making for tropical spaces that breathe.” Add a minimalist interior design and plenty of wood plastic composite elements and you have a home that seems especially designed for a long summer escape.